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The willows

Halloween Prank


Halloween night I had to work the 11p to 7 a shift at the ER. But I did get to watch some of the live Ghost Hunter TV show. It was a quiet night considering that it was halloween, no trick or treaters and I actually fell asleep for a few hours before I had to go to work. 

Earlier that day I won the halloween costume contest at my job and I was tired from being up so early in the day. I mention the tv show because it seems like some of my ghostly happenings occur shortly after watching a show on a paranormal subject. Like the ghosts know I am open for a visit or something but the do act up at other times too. Work was slow, not busy for a holiday night and I was tired and anxious to get home and go to bed. 

Well when I opened the front door I was startled for a moment because sitting right in the middle of the hallway were my shoes stacked in a straight line again. (just like Easter) It was done with a different pair of shoes as the ones it use to stack have since been thrown away because the soles had a hole in it. I got the chills and at the same time I was excited to see the ghosts played a halloween prank. 

I am writing this at work but when I get home I will try to send the picture that I took of the stacked shoes. Another happening but I don't know if we can blame the ghost. Last week I was away on a trip with my sister. "S" stayed home to watch the dog. All of the sudden he heard a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking. 

What it turned out to be was a large heavy mirror that was propped up against a wall in the laundry room. So how did the mirror just fall forward hit the sink and crash to the floor? The door was closed, no wind could get in and the dog was asleep at "S" feet. 

Our question is how could a big heavy mirror just tip over and shatter. There was no vibration, or wind or any other natural happening that could have pushed it over. And if it slid down to break why was the glass face down and not right side up. 

Do you think the ghost was mad that I was away?
